您現(xiàn)在的位置: 首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 >四象限微型高壓柱塞泵 >

    產(chǎn)品簡介 Product Profile


 HYC-MP1F series four-quadrant micropump is mainly developed for the application of  pump-controlled servo system.  It can work in four quadrants and is suitable for both closed circuit and open circuit. Designed for compactness,the pump emphasizes miniaturization and lightweight. It also has high working pressure along with wide speed range.



? 斜盤式軸向柱塞泵,球面配流 Swashplate axial piston pump, spherical port plate pair 

? 柱塞數(shù)量 Number of pistons: 9>1.6cc/r );7≤1.6cc/r ) 

? 雙向旋轉(zhuǎn),進出油方向可逆 Bidirectional, oil inlet and outlet are reversible 

? 適應(yīng)馬達工況 Adapted to motor conditions 

? 良好的低速性能 Good performance at low speed 

? 尤其適用于電動靜液作動器 Especially suitable for electro-hydrostatic actuators

     型號說明 Type Explaination


安裝接口形式可按需定制,最小起訂量10臺。It can be customized,the MOQ is 10 pcs.


?產(chǎn)品的外形安裝尺寸請在產(chǎn)品手冊中獲取。Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.

?在必要時本公司可能對產(chǎn)品型號編制規(guī)則進行修訂,訂貨前請與本公司確認。 If necessary, the company may revise the naming rules of product model.  Please confirm with the company before ordering.

     技術(shù)參數(shù)表 Technical Data


① 泵進口增壓時,或作為馬達使用時,允許更高轉(zhuǎn)速。詳情請與本公司聯(lián)系確認。Higher speed is allowed when the pump inlet is pressurized, or used as a motor. Please contact the company for details.

②當轉(zhuǎn)速超過8000 rpm,要求泵進口增壓。When the speed exceeds 8000 rpm, the pump inlet is required to be pressurized.

?由于使用工況的復(fù)雜多樣,不能保證上表所列參數(shù)適用于特定的用途,選型前請于本公司確認,以技術(shù)協(xié)議為準。 Due to the complexity and diversity of using conditions, there is no guarantee that the parameters listed above are suitable for specific purposes. Please confirm with the company before selection and subject to the technical agreement.

?必要時我們將修訂技術(shù)參數(shù)表,并在公司網(wǎng)站上發(fā)布新版技術(shù)資料。If necessary, we will update the technical data on the company website.
